
Tragedy of My Masterpiece


Tragedy of My Masterpiece

Authors & Illustrator


Third Place Book Award

Third Place Award

Fiction > Literary - Mystery, Thriller & Suspense


What happens when a college student in his final semester has a premature midlife crisis when he realizes he has lived a life of all work and no play? Following a trusted professor’s advice, studious college senior Ky Cooper tries to let loose and enjoy his last weeks of school, but his efforts are complicated by his internal struggles with mental health, unresolved trauma, and faith, resulting in dire, unforeseen consequences. The cynical but tolerant Ky draws up a meticulous world where the path least chosen reigns. It’s a place where the reserved character seems to dwell trouble-free. Crossing swords with the idea of abandoning his behavioral medication for religious purposes to appease others, Ky’s experience is a showcase of a young person trying to do their best.