
The Regalus Chronicles


The Regalus Chronicles

Rising Tide

Authors & Illustrator


Third Place Book Award

Third Place Award

Fiction > Sci-Fi - Space Opera


The Regalus Chronicles: Rising Tide is an imaginative take on how a civilization of diverse alien cultures would interact were they thrust together and challenged to create a functioning society. You’ll find through reading the book that it looks a lot like our own struggles and challenges trying to maintain a functioning society here on earth. So, if you were to ask me what, in a nutshell, the Rising Tide is like (or at least what I was striving for) the answer is that it, and the entire Regalus Chronicles series, is meant to have the feel of Star Trek, Star Wars, and Game of Thrones, all rolled into one. That is to say, it is a sci-fi political space opera with plenty of battle sequences and thrilling dialogue. Enjoy!