
The Body and The Soul


The Body and The Soul

Daphne Winters Psychic Investigation Series

Authors & Illustrator


Second Place Book Award

Second Place Award

Fiction > Thriller - Supernatural


Most people think of Daphne Winters as a quirky personality, prone to blurting out painful truths and talking about weird things like death and ghosts. She doesn’t see any reason not to be direct. She, of all people, knows how short life is. She’s been talking to ghosts since she was a child. And now the ghost of Grace Collins has appeared and is asking for her help, right around the same time the cops find Grace’s murdered body floating in nearby Millerton Lake. And Daphne likes ghosts more than she does most people, so there is no way she’s turning Grace down – whether the local cops like it or not. Daphne’s unconventional investigative methods will give the local P.D. more than they bargained for, as the case takes them all down the twists and turns of a murder mystery that is so much more than it seems.