
Sunrise in Saigon


Sunrise in Saigon

A Journey of a lifetime

Authors & Illustrator




Third Place Book Award

Third Place Award

Artistic & Technical > Book Cover - Photography, Fiction > Romance - Suspense


With echoes of Tom Clancy and Jack Higgins, “Sunrise in Saigon” is Patrick Greenwood’s first book in a new series about cybersecurity, passion, and international espionage. Intrigued by the country of Vietnam since 11, Jack Kendall long remembered the fall of Saigon in 1975 and its painful aftermath. Jack learns from eyewitnesses about the long shadow of the Vietnam war, its atrocities, and its aftermath. He knows a couple who met under the most extreme circumstances, one on the helicopters leaving Vietnam, the other stranded behind. The two swore to find each other again and did, decades later. That story resonates with Jack as he finished serving honorably in the United States Marine Corps and embarked on a career in cybersecurity technology. Even with this career success, his life is not fulfilled. His health, both physical and emotional, deteriorates. He turns to cycle and returns to his fascination with Vietnam. His research leads him not only to that country but to a captivati