
Sport : a Stage for Life


Sport : a Stage for Life

How to Connect with the Touchstones of Elite Performance and Personal Fulfillment

Authors & Illustrator


Third Place Book Award

Third Place Award

Nonfiction > Sports


Sport inspires us to surpass our limits, face challenges, and develop emotional acumen that we can deploy in many aspects of life. Sport: A Stage for Life aims not just to inspire you, but to guide you in applying the lessons of sport so that you may evolve in your own journey of self-development and transformation. You will learn how a father and his daughter applied these lessons in building successful corporate careers and enriching their personal lives. In addition to their own success stories, this book offers insights from world-renowned athletes and coaches, leading academics, physicians, and psychologists, who share stories that inspire and support the scientific evidence about how we can turn human potential into a life of fulfillment and happiness.