



Book One of The Crane Trilogy

Authors & Illustrator


Third Place Book Award

Third Place Award

Fiction > Literary - Coming of Age


Michael Price was living the California dream. Perfect family, perfect life. Until his mom’s death. Adrift and alone, Michael turns to the beach, finding freedom on the waves and friendship among the surfers. When his social-climbing stepmom forces him to go to Catholic school, Michael struggles to resist the pressure to conform, to become just another cog in the machine. He discovers the punk music scene and finds an outlet for the dark poetry in his soul. Michael is determined to find the ultimate truth, the ideal order for the universe, and the perfect romance. And what better place to do that than…Ogden, Utah? Michael’s dad has gotten a new job. Next thing Michael knows, his world of beaches, buddies, and California girls has been replaced by mountains, Mormons on missions, and Danielle. Homesick and lonely, Michael believes he’s found The One, but Danielle has secrets of her own that threaten the new life Michael is building, with her at its heart.