
A Single Desperate Prayer

A Single Desperate Prayer cover

A Single Desperate Prayer


Authors & Illustrator


First Place Book Award

First Place Award

Nonfiction > Memoirs - Personal


More than a memoir, A Single Desperate Prayer is a riveting account of one resilient girl’s life in a Crimean Ghetto, replete with equal amounts of tragedy and triumph. Told through the eyes of a child, the reader witnesses Ludmila’s growth and maturation as she starts from practically nothing, learns how to beg in the streets, loses all of what little she had, is left to the wolves, and then saved by grace – all before her fifteenth birthday. Witness the miracles that her single prayer brought to life. Without being preachy – because children certainly aren’t – Ludmila lets you see what happens when you open yourself up to the power of faith. You’ll be on the edge of your seat; you’ll laugh; you’ll cry. You’ll get angry at the injustice, and you’ll champion our heroine. You can’t help but love and celebrate Ludmila as she learns how the forces of good work in a world that seems totally dark, and how a heart transformed can withstand anything.