
Live True Daily Journal

Book cover of Live True Daily

The Live True Daily Journal is here to help you stay aligned with your Authentic Self, each and every day. The reason for that is when it comes to being Authentic, it’s not always easy to stay true to who we are because oftentimes we’re busy being so many things to so many people, we can forget to stay true to ourselves. And, sometimes we don’t want to imagine, or deal with what can feel like the consequences of being Authentic – which means dealing with people’s judgments of us, or confronting our own fears and doubts to step out of the safe zone of inauthenticity. Yes, being inauthentic can actually feel safe so we can avoid failure or rejection, but we pay a price when we do that, and that price is living dishonestly.

The Live True Daily Journal is structured to keep you on a path of Authenticity. All of the content is designed to support your personal growth, and intended to keep you living Authentically, not just every day, but in every moment of your day. Consider it a Mindfulness guide to keep you present and aware of who you are, and who you are not. On average, it takes approximately 2 months before a new behavior becomes automatic. The Live True Daily Journal is divided into 8 weeks so that you can gauge Authentic vs. inauthentic behavior daily, and lead up to strengthening your Authentic Self. And, when you’ve completed the Live True Daily Journal, you will see how far you’ve come by how you developed new behaviors daily that support your Authenticity.

At the end of those 8 weeks, I have no doubt that you will be quite pleased at the tremendous progress you will have made living in total alignment with your Authentic Self.

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