
Zen Rohatsu


Zen Rohatsu

Authors & Illustrator


Third Place Book Award

Third Place Award

Nonfiction > Body, Mind & Spirit - Meditation


Zen Rohatsu is the backstory of why we meditate, and the A to Z of zen living. It details the origin and benefits of living mindfully with a spiritual practice. It is written for all to enjoy as lay practitioners, is not esoteric, and offers simple meditation and mindful practice techniques. The Zazen meditation combines the ethical path with mind and body from a 2,700 year old philosophy. Historical Buddha, Siddhartha, was raised in an ostentatious palace but left it to better understand the meaning of life including the suffering of those ill, old and less fortunate. His conclusion was neither the extreme of the affluence not the ravages of poverty but a striving to end suffering by following a more moderate middle path. It informs us of the potential enlightenment from suffering that historical Buddha experienced while sitting under a fig tree in ancient times. Meditation keeps us in the present with focus, equanimity and stress management.