
When the Words Suddenly Stopped


When the Words Suddenly Stopped

Finding My Voice Again After a Massive Stroke

Authors & Illustrator


Second Place Book Award

Second Place Award

Artistic & Technical > Audio Book - Mastering, Artistic & Technical > Audio Book - Mastering
Third Place Book Award

Third Place Award

Artistic & Technical > Audio Book - Voice Over


When the Words Suddenly Stopped details the real-life journey that landed an energetic lover-of-life and a relatively healthy black woman in the hospital for thirty-two days after suffering from a stroke. Part of that hospital stay was in the Neurological Intensive Care Unit, which means I was out of it and not cognizant of much that was happening, especially in the first ten days. Thus, I relied on the skills and tactics I used every day during my eighteen-year broadcast career. I interviewed the people in my life at the time, particularly those who were at the event where my health issue became apparent, and the family and friends who nursed me back to health. This book will explore what led up to my crisis. Ultimately, though, this story is about faith, family, and friendship, and how all three converged to lead me from trauma to triumph. In the audiobook of this story, I include the voices of two of my closest friends. My friends helped me fill the gaps of my memory of my journey.