
Revenue Accelerator


Revenue Accelerator

The 21 Boosters to Launch Your Start-Up

Authors & Illustrator


Third Place Book Award

Third Place Award

Nonfiction > Business - Sales & Selling


Is your start-up feeling stuck in the starting blocks? Or are you finding it a struggle to pick up speed? Written by acclaimed entrepreneur, instructor, and author Dr. Allan Colman, The Revenue Accelerator: The 21 Boosters to Launch Your Start-Up is the true companion guide for new and intermediate entrepreneurs to prosper through their early stages of development. Dr. Colman equips listeners to easily navigate around the most pervasive problems start-up entrepreneurs experience when making the leap from building their product or service to selling it. Far too often, startups invest so much of their hard-earned energy and capital into developing their offering that they are left with scarce resources to architect a successful plan for financing, marketing, and selling it. The Revenue Accelerator provides a engine check on statistics that directly impact startups and the landscape that they now face.