
Breaker of Horizons


Breaker of Horizons

A LitRPG Adventure

Authors & Illustrator


First Place Book Award

First Place Award

Artistic & Technical > Audio Book - Overall Presentation, Artistic & Technical > Audio Book - Voice Over


Nic has been Selected. Chosen to leave his own body behind and become a monster. Chosen to live or die on his own wits. His own strengths. He’ll adventure out into a new realm as a footsoldier for the System’s relentless integration of new worlds. Fighting to break the natives into submission. But Nic has never loved the System, or cared for his home planet, a depleted husk of a world that the System forgot long ago. With blue skies overhead and green forest to the horizons, he might just fall in love with this strange planet named Earth… That would leave him with few friends and a thousand enemies. That would leave him clawing, biting, scratching to survive. Don’t miss the start of an action-packed LitRPG Apocalypse Series from the invader’s perspective. A monster evolution story with elements of cultivation, base-building, ally-recruitment, a detailed System, power progression, and all the things readers of LitRPG have come to love. Narrated by Pavi Proczko