
Acceptance: The Reality

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Acceptance: The Reality

Authors & Illustrator


Second Place Book Award

Second Place Award

Fiction > Fantasy - Contemporary
Third Place Book Award

Third Place Award

Fiction > LGBTQ+ - Fantasy, Fiction > Women's - Fantasy


With Selena’s journey continuing into new unknown areas, hard truths and emotions are surfacing. She has to learn how to navigate them while staying focused on what needs to be done becomes harder and harder each day. Between seeing Skylar almost daily and lines drawn on the ground, things are about to take some unexpected turns. Out maneuvering Ryder and his pawns may be more complex than it looks. Trust, loyalty, and alliances will be tested. But is that all this rebellion is about? Or is there something more? In the second book of the LGBT fiction Acceptance trilogy, Acceptance: The Reality, Selena realizes she must accept her new way of life- but does she feel ready to give in to it?