
About Last Knight


About Last Knight

City of Sisterly Love Book 5

Authors & Illustrator


First Place Book Award

First Place Award

Fiction > Romance - Romantic Comedy


When I was nineteen years old, just a kid, I got married for the wrong reason. Obligation. Obligation to my family and obligation to my unborn child. I can’t regret it because I have my three incredible sons who I love more than anything in this world, including myself. I got to watch them all fall madly in love and choose their life partners. Not out of obligation, but out of pure love. I became everyone’s project. Everyone wanted to fix me up with their son, their brother, their friend, their neighbor, their co-worker, their father. No one cared what I wanted. Frankly, I wasn’t always sure what I wanted. I was never given the time when I was younger to figure out what it was I wanted in a partner. It took a marriage, a divorce, and 118 first dates to fall in love for the first time in my life. I finally found everything I never knew I was looking for. The man that made me feel things I’d never felt. That’s supposed to be when happily ever after kicks in, right?